Every Amount Can Make a Difference




Every Amount Can Make a Difference

What is child sponsorship?

Child sponsorship is to provide a child with the necessities of life such as education, clean water, food, and clothing.

What challenges are the Faith Children’s Home Orphanage facing today?

Right now, our orphanage does not have enough resources to buy our children nutritious food to keep them healthy.

What’s worse, our resources are limited because we are experiencing discrimination, inequality, and abuse from the society resulting from the Caste system, and persecution of Christians.

The Indian Caste System

Caste System divides Hindus into four main categories:

   Brahmans - religious roles like a priest

   Kshatriyas - warriors

   Vaishyas -  merchants

   Shudras - the great bulk of the Indian population

   Untouchables - the descendants of slaves or prisoners who do all the degrading work

The division between the castes in India greatly affects poverty because lower caste members are very ill-treated and they are not even allowed to come to public places. 

Aside from that, lower caste members cannot rise up the ladder and so they remain poor. Apart from that, many people are unwilling to help the orphanage due to discrimination because the orphanage is being run by a Christian pastor.

What is child sponsorship?

Child sponsorship is to provide a child with the necessities of life such as education, clean water, food, and clothing.

What challenges are the Faith Children’s Home Orphanage facing today?

Right now, our orphanage does not have enough resources to buy our children nutritious food to keep them healthy.

What’s worse, our resources are limited because we are experiencing discrimination, inequality, and abuse from the society resulting from the Caste system, and persecution of Christians.

The Indian Caste System

Caste System divides Hindus into four main categories:

   Brahmans - religious roles like a priest

   Kshatriyas - warriors

   Vaishyas -  merchants

   Shudras - the great bulk of the Indian population

   Untouchables - the descendants of slaves or prisoners who do all the degrading work

The division between the castes in India greatly affects poverty because lower caste members are very ill-treated and they are not even allowed to come to public places. 

Aside from that, lower caste members cannot rise up the ladder and so they remain poor. Apart from that, many people are unwilling to help the orphanage due to discrimination because the orphanage is being run by a Christian pastor.

What is the impact of sponsoring an orphan?

You will give them the hope to survive and to strive in reaching their dreams despite the hardship they are experiencing.

Imagine, witnessing them grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and reach their potential despite the challenges they’re facing in India.

Just by letting them know that you care, you can make a big difference.

How can you help in changing their lives?

Your monthly love gift will ensure that their basic needs are provided for until they complete 10th grade. 

This will greatly help the orphanage to support each child to buy food and other basic needs like clean water, clothes, and education.

How can you help in changing their lives?

Your monthly love gift will ensure that their basic needs are provided for until they complete 10th grade. 

This will greatly help the orphanage to support each child to buy food and other basic needs like clean water, clothes, and education.

What will you get when you sponsor a child?

We will send you monthly newsletters so that you can be involved with their lives.

You may also send them emails or letters to empower, encourage, and get to know them. 

Please feel free to contact us to know - "how".

Periodically, we will also do a video chat and one of our ministry leaders will translate for you and your sponsored orphan.

Let’s Help Children Build Their Dreams. Their Future.

Sangeetha (10 years old)

Lashika (10 years old)

Sruthi (10 years old)

Joshi (10 years old)

Deleep (10 years old)

Veera (10 years old)

Sangeetha (10 years old)

Lashika (10 years old)

Sruthi (10 years old)

Joshi (10 years old)

Deleep (10 years old)

Veera (10 years old)

Frequently Asked Questions

 How does Sponsor a Child work?

Our Child Sponsorship Program will impact their future by providing them with what they need like healthy food, clean water, clothing, shelter, and education.

 How can I be sure that my money gets to those in need?

Faith in Training Ministries manages all sponsorships and transfers the money to our ministry leaders in India each month. Monthly reports are sent from India to our Headquarters in St. Louis, MO. Also, Bishop Stephen Ray has been traveling to India every couple years to supervise and hold our ministry leaders accountable. 

 How much does sponsoring a child cost?

You can choose between $25, $50, and $100 to sponsor a child.

 What’s involved as a child sponsor? 

-   You can send monthly letters to your sponsored child.
-   You may also schedule a video call with your sponsored child.
-   Aside from that, you can send a small gift with our Missions Team when they travel to India.
-   You can also apply to go on our missions trip with us.

 Will I get to know my sponsored child? 

Yes, you can communicate each month through letter and/or video call. Our ministry leaders will translate for you.

We will also send you a monthly newsletter about the child's progress, and you can also write letters to each other to get to know the child.

 How long does sponsorship last? 

Sponsorship can last until the child graduates in the 10th grade.

 Can I write and send presents to the child?

We discourage sending presents directly to India because we have experienced theft from mail carriers. To help, we can send money to our orphanage and describe what it's for, and the team in India will purchase the item for them there. That way, we can save money and avoid hassles. You can also send a small gift in our luggage when we travel on our missions trip.

 I want to help, but do I have to choose a child?

You can choose a child or send the money for general funds.

 How long will it take for my payments to show online?

Usually within 2-3 days.

How The Orphanage Was Found

In India, 2004, there was a great Tsunami that caused many deaths. 

Many children were left abandoned after their parents passed away.

Pastor David Kumar, Ministry Director, asked Bishop Stephen Ray if they could start an orphanage to help the children. 

Bishop Ray agreed and they started Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ray Orphan home. 

As years went by, the Holy Spirit spoke to Bishop Ray to change the name of our India Ministry to Freedom of Faith Ministries for our churches. This is why, Pastor David chose to use the name Faith Children’s Home for the Orphanage.

Later, other pastors who worked with Pastor David brought more orphans who needed their assistance. 

With limited resources, they gave shelter and fed the children with a heart of compassion. 



Sudeer is 16 years old and he lives with his parents in Kummara. To meet Sudeer's needs, his parents asked Pastor David for help. 

He and his family are still struggling because the price of food has increased and his parents’ income is barely enough to survive for the day.


He is 14 years old and in the 7th grade. He studies hard so that when he grows up, he can also help others who are in need. 

When he is not studying, he enjoys playing cricket and biking.
He is also very active in church activities and loves to serve the Lord by helping out with church activities. He sings in church and helps Pastor David in the ministry.


Mani is 12 years old and is in the 5th grade. He lost his father to an accident and is being raised by his mother alone. However, his mother’s income is not enough for them to survive for the day.

Mani is bubbly, outgoing, and sociable. He enjoys living in Faith Children’s Home because of his friends. He also loves to play cricket and do gardening. Aside from that, he has a great interest in repairing fixtures and electrical equipment.

He is also passionate about studying the Word of God and enjoys playing musical instruments. Aside from that, he is a church choir member and a church volunteer.


Joshi is 10 years old and is in 3rd grade. Joshi’s parents are divorced and his father sent him and his mother away. His mom sent him to Faith Children’s Home so that she can work on weekdays. It was very hard for Joshi because he misses his mom all the time.

He likes to play hide-and-seek and his favorite color is blue. He enjoys singing in church and cleaning the house. Aside from that, he is very eager to learn how to play the drums.


Chandu is 10 years old and used to live in Pathuru, India. His father is an alcoholic who abandoned the family. His grandmother took him and raised him, but she recently passed away leaving him without a home or parents to take care of him.

He likes to play Kabaddi and Cricket. He loves to attend church Sunday school and sings worship songs. He also tags along with Pastor David whenever he goes to remote areas to share the Gospel.


Deleep is 10 years old and is in the 5th grade. He does well in school. He makes sure that he finishes his homework and passes his exams.

His parents work hard to provide for the family, However, his parents are struggling because their income is not enough to buy their basic needs such as healthy foods, education, and medical expenses.

He has been living in Faith Children’s Home for 5 years. He is very active in Sunday school and he loves to play Kabaddi very much. He is very artistic and he plays the drums. He also keeps our home clean.


George is 13 years old and in 8th Grade. He used to live with his parents until Covid hit his family in 2019. Because of the virus, he lost his mother and his father got very sick. But by God’s grace, his father recovered. George’s brother, Sheker, is also with us in Faith Children’s Home.

He enjoys helping out by gardening. Please continue to pray for his family as they grieve for their mother.


Sherker is 15 years old and has a brother named George, who is also staying in Faith Children’s Home.

Because of the virus, he lost his mother and his father got very sick. But by God’s grace, his father recovered.

He is very obedient, quiet, and easy-going. He is in 10th grade right now and doing well in his studies. He loves to play Cricket and enjoys helping Pastor David with house chores.


Akil is 12 years old and used to live in Sarpavaram with his father. His mother passed away a couple of years ago and lost his sister to a fire accident. His father brought him to the Faith Children’s Home to ask for help as he cannot raise Akil alone because his father is unable to work because of sickness and disability.

Akil is in the 6th grade and is very diligent with his studies. He is very obedient and helps out in all church activities. He enjoys playing drums and Cricket.

Please pray for Akil’s healing because of all the loss he has experienced.


Sridhar needs your help because his father is an alcoholic and his mother can’t afford to help him with his studies because they don’t have any money.

Pastor David met him when he was doing evangelism in a remote area. Because of this, he was sent to Faith Children's home so he can have a new home to stay in while his mother works during the week.

He plays drums and congo and sings in church during the worship service. He also helps out cleaning the church and is very active in church events. He is very sociable and friendly with other kids in the orphanage.

  Veera Babu

Veera is very active in church. He helps out with cleaning the place and serving the church members.

His family is so poor that they cannot send their children to school so he was brought to the orphanage.

He plays Kabadi and hides and seeks. He helps out in church and volunteers to sing in funerals. Aside from that, he loves to dance and play drums during church service.


Venket is 10 years old and is in 4th grade. He studies hard and always has good grades.

His parents can’t afford to send him to school so they reached out to Pastor David for help.

He loves playing Kabadi and Cricket. He loves to dance and help out in church. He is also very active in church service by singing and playing drums. He also enjoys tagging along with Pastor David to evangelize.


Ramya is very talented because she sings very well in church. She is diligent with her studies and loves helping out in church and the orphan home.

However, both of her parents are doing manual labor so their income is not enough for them to survive for the day.


Sangeetha is very friendly and outgoing and loves to play Hide and Seek. She is very obedient and cleans the church every Sunday with her friends. 

Her mother’s income is hardly enough for them to buy food every day. Aside from that, they can’t afford to send her to school and buy clothes.


Lashika is very studious. Her mother and father are laborers and do not make enough money for her daily needs. She is very active in Sunday school and helps out in cleaning the church.


She is Sruthi. She is studying in our FAITH HOMES. 

She is very active and sleeps every time in the classroom.

Her mother and father got baptized and came to our church at Sarpavaram. 

Please pray for Sruthi and her studies, food, daily needs, and future life. 


Nakshatra’s eyes are not aligned in the same direction so she cannot see clearly. Her family is very poor and they cannot send their children to school. Her father is an alcoholic and does not take care of his children.

Nakshatra loves to play with her friends. She also sings in church and at funerals.


Divya loves to sing in church and leads the prayer. She helps out in the kitchen and is eager to learn how to cook Indian curries.

Her parents are so poor they are manual laborers. Her parents’ income is not enough to support Divya’s needs such as food, studies, and daily needs.


Lasya came from a very poor family. His father died of snakebite and her mother can’t afford to feed her children so she brought Lasya and her brother to the orphanage home.

Lasya is shy and quiet. She helps when children together clean the church for Sunday worship.


Suneel is in 3rd grade and came from a very poor family.. His father died of Covid 19. After his father’s death, he was sent to Faith Children Home.


Surya is in 7th grade. He had eye surgery because he was having a hard time seeing. His father cannot work and feed his family because of his disability. His mother works manual labor and makes barely enough money to feed the family.

He loves to play cricket with his friends. He also plays drums in church and funerals.


Jeevan, Surya’s brother, is in 6th grade. He loves to sing in church and is very dedicated to his studies. His father is disabled and cannot work. His mother is doing manual labor and earning barely enough money for the day.



Sudeer is 16 years old and he lives with his parents in Kummara. 

To meet Sudeer's needs, his parents asked Pastor David for help. 

He and his family are still struggling because the price of food has increased


He is 14 years old and in the 7th grade. He studies hard so that when he grows up, he can also help others who are in need. When he is not studying, he enjoys playing cricket and biking.

He is also very active in church activities and loves to serve the Lord by helping out with church activities. He sings in church and helps Pastor David in the ministry.


Mani is 12 years old and is in the 5th grade. He lost his father to an accident and is being raised by his mother alone. However, his mother’s income is not enough for them to survive for the day.

Mani is bubbly, outgoing, and sociable. He enjoys living in Faith Children’s Home because of his friends. He also loves to play cricket and do gardening. Aside from that, he has a great interest in repairing fixtures and electrical equipment.

He is also passionate about studying the Word of God and enjoys playing musical instruments. Aside from that, he is a church choir member and a church volunteer.


Joshi is 10 years old and is in 3rd grade. Joshi’s parents are divorced and his father sent him and his mother away. His mom sent him to Faith Children’s Home so that she can work on weekdays. It was very hard for Joshi because he misses his mom all the time.

He likes to play hide-and-seek and his favorite color is blue. He enjoys singing in church and cleaning the house. Aside from that, he is very eager to learn how to play the drums.


Chandu is 10 years old and used to live in Pathuru, India.

His father is an alcoholic who abandoned the family. His grandmother took him and raised him, but she recently passed away leaving him without a home or parents to take care of him.

He likes to play Kabaddi and Cricket. He loves to attend church Sunday school and sings worship songs. He also tags along with Pastor David whenever he goes to remote areas to share the Gospel.


Deleep is 10 years old and is in the 5th grade. He does well in school. He makes sure that he finishes his homework and passes his exams.

His parents work hard to provide for the family, However, his parents are struggling because their income is not enough to buy their basic needs such as healthy foods, education, and medical expenses.

He has been living in Faith Children’s Home for 5 years. He is very active in Sunday school and he loves to play Kabaddi very much. He is very artistic and he plays the drums. He also keeps our home clean.


George is 13 years old and in 8th Grade. He used to live with his parents until Covid hit his family in 2019. Because of the virus, he lost his mother and his father got very sick. But by God’s grace, his father recovered. George’s brother, Sheker, is also with us in Faith Children’s Home.

He enjoys helping out by gardening.

Please continue to pray for his family as they grieve for their mother.


Sherker is 15 years old and has a brother named George, who is also staying in Faith Children’s Home.

Because of the virus, he lost his mother and his father got very sick. But by God’s grace, his father recovered.

He is very obedient, quiet, and easy-going. He is in 10th grade right now and doing well in his studies. He loves to play Cricket and enjoys helping Pastor David with house chores.


Akil is 12 years old and used to live in Sarpavaram with his father. His mother passed away a couple of years ago and lost his sister to a fire accident. His father brought him to the Faith Children’s Home to ask for help as he cannot raise Akil alone because his father is unable to work because of sickness and disability.

Akil is in the 6th grade and is very diligent with his studies. He is very obedient and helps out in all church activities. He enjoys playing drums and Cricket.

Please pray for Akil’s healing because of all the loss he has experienced.


Sridhar needs your help because his father is an alcoholic and his mother can’t afford to help him with his studies because they don’t have any money.

Pastor David, met him when he was doing evangelism in a remote area. Because of this, he was sent to Faith Children's home so he can have a new home to stay in while his mother works during the week.

He plays drums and congo and sings in church during the worship service. He also helps out cleaning the church and is very active in church events. He is very sociable and friendly with other kids in the orphanage.

  Veera Babu

Veera is very active in church. He helps out with cleaning the place and serving the church members.

His family is so poor that they cannot send their children to school so he was brought to the orphanage.

He plays Kabadi and hides and seeks. He helps out in church and volunteers to sing in funerals. Aside from that, he loves to dance and play drums during church service.


Venket is 10 years old and is in 4th grade. He studies hard and always has good grades.

His parents can’t afford to send him to school so they reached out to Pastor David for help. 

He loves playing Kabadi and Cricket. He loves to dance and help out in church. He is also very active in church service by singing and playing drums. He also enjoys tagging along with Pastor David to evangelize.


Ramya is very talented because she sings very well in church. She is diligent with her studies and loves helping out in church and the orphan home.

However, both of her parents are doing manual labor so their income is not enough for them to survive for the day.


Sangeetha is very friendly and outgoing and loves to play Hide and Seek. She is very obedient and cleans the church every Sunday with her friends. 

Her mother’s income is hardly enough for them to buy food every day. Aside from that, they can’t afford to send her to school and buy clothes.


Lashika is very studious. Her mother and father are laborers and do not make enough money for her daily needs. She is very active in Sunday school and helps out in cleaning the church.


She is Sruthi. She is studying in our FAITH HOMES. 

She is very active and sleeps every time in the classroom.

Her mother and father got baptized and came to our church at Sarpavaram. 

Please pray for Sruthi and her studies, food, daily needs, and future life. 


Nakshatra’s eyes are not aligned in the same direction so she cannot see clearly. 

Her family is very poor and they cannot send their children to school. 

Her father is an alcoholic and does not take care of his children.

Nakshatra loves to play with her friends. She also sings in church and at funerals.


Divya loves to sing in church and leads the prayer. She helps out in the kitchen and is eager to learn how to cook Indian curries.
Her parents are so poor they are manual laborers. Her parents’ income is not enough to support Divya’s needs such as food, studies, and daily needs.


Lasya is shy and quiet. She came from a very poor family. 

His father died of snakebite and her mother can’t afford to feed her children so she brought Lasya and her brother to the orphanage home.

She helps when children together clean the church for Sunday worship.


Suneel is in 3rd grade and came from a very poor family. His father died of Covid 19. After his father’s death, he was sent to Faith Children Home.


Surya is in 7th grade. He had eye surgery because he was having a hard time seeing.

His father cannot work and feed his family because of his disability His mother works manual labor and makes barely enough money to feed the family.

He loves to play cricket with his friends. He also plays drums in church and funerals. 


Jeevan, Surya’s brother, is in 6th grade. He loves to sing in church and is very dedicated to his studies. 

His father is disabled and cannot work. His mother is doing manual labor and earning barely enough money for the day.

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